Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How to export and import Database Schema (exp,expdp &imp, impdp commands)

1.open the Unix box or command prompt window from your windows machine.
2.Navigate to the drive and directory as required.
3.Run the below command to  export the database.

   :    tnsping mtbys220  ( first ensure the database connection using this query)

Export data base schema:

command to be used to export is:

 1. (traditional export without datapump)
  exp system/manager@mtbys220  directory=EXP_DIR dumpfile=mth_mtbys220.dmp logfile=expdp_mth.log schemas=mth

 2. with data pump export

:    expdp system/manager@mtbys220  directory=EXP_DIR dumpfile=mth_mtbys220.dmp logfile=expdp_mth.log schemas=mth version=

<system/manager> is username and password.
<mtbys220> is instance name  from where you want to export db schema

<mth >  is your schema name

<EXP_DIR >  is the folder/directory  name in which your db where you want to save the exported dmp file.
<mth_mtbys220.dmp >  is the file name you want to save it

<impdp_mth.log>  is teh log file name you want to save it

<version=>  this parameter is mandatory when you need to import the .dmp file to an lower(previous) database versions than of its exported database version. i.e. it allows to create the dump file which is compatible with the previous releases. otherwise it will cause errors while importing.

  * if you are importing to same db version, this VERSION parameter is optional.

General issues faced:

import data base schema:

  command to be used to import is :

   1.  traditional command  without data pump

:  imp  system/manager@mtbys220 schemas=mth directory=EMP_DIR dumpfile=mth_mtbys220.dmp logfile=impdp_mth.log

 2.  with data pump

:  impdp system/manager@mtbys220 schemas=mth directory=EMP_DIR dumpfile=mth_mtbys220.dmp logfile=impdp_mth.log

<system/manager> is username and password.
<mtbys220> is instance name  to where you want to import the db schema

<mth >  is your target schema name.

<IMP_DIR >  is the folder/directory  name  where the .dmp file is available.
<mth_mtbys220.dmp >  is the  .dmp file  you want to import.

<impdp_mth.log>  is the log file name you want to create.
general issues faced:

Monday, March 9, 2015

Agile Times

In the Development of a Software, Agile method is built to Value
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentationCustomer collaboration over contract negotiationResponding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items onthe right, 
we value the items on the left more.

In Agile:
the tester takes two roles, 
Tester and Business Analyst. 
The tester communicates with a product owner to get requirements, write the test cases, and present requirements to coders. The test cases should be finished before the coder implements, the coder can review and also use the test cases during the implementation time. The tester still report bugs and inform coders to fix them. The product owner will do UAT after the tester complete testing. 

Test Driven Development: where test cases are written before the code. 
If you think about it, it makes complete sense. Assuming you are planning to write test cases anyway, it’s no more effort than writing them later. And the big advantage of writing them first is, If you know how you’re going to test it, you write the code to pass first time! 

There are various methodologies that are collectively known as agile, as they promote the values of the agile manifesto and they are consistent with the above principles.  The most popular ones are: 

DSDM is probably the original agile development method. DSDM was around before the term ‘agile’ was even invented, but is absolutely based on all the principles we’ve come to know as agile.  DSDM seems to be much less well-known outside of the UK. 

Scrum is also an agile development method, which concentrates particularly on how to manage tasks within a team-based development environment.  Scrum is the most popular and widely adopted agile method – I think because it is relatively simple to implement and addresses many of the management issues that have plagued IT development teams for decades. 

XP (Extreme Programming) is a more radical agile methodology, focusing more on the software engineering process and addressing the analysis, development and test phases with novel approaches that make a substantial difference to the quality of the end product. 

           DSDM is probably the most complete agile methodology, whereas Scrum and XP are easier to implement and complementary because they tackle different aspects of software development projects and are both founded on very similar concepts. 

See more at: http://www.allaboutagile.com/what-is-agile-10-key-principles/